Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Five Best Herbs for Hair Loss and Growth

Is your hair falling? Well, that can indeed be distressing. While it is normal to lose about 70 to 150 hair strands every day, anything more than that can be a cause for concern. While some hair care products can really be useful here, you should never rule out the magic that herbs can do for your hair. Let's take a look at the signs and causes of hair loss and then go on to find out what are the best herbs for hair loss.

Symptoms and causes of hair loss

Thinning hair on the scalp, especially at the crown of the head, a receding hairline, sudden loss of patches of hair, or excessive shedding of hair are some clear signs of hair loss.

In some people, hair loss is hereditary. However, in others, excessive stress, nutritional deficiencies, dandruff, chronic illnesses, medications, and thyroid imbalances can be the reason for falling hair. Excessive use of procedures such as coloring, bleaching, perming, and straightening can also lead to hair damage.

In women, hormonal imbalances during menopause or after childbirth are also likely causes. Of course, "male pattern baldness" is definitely one of the chief causes of hair loss in men.

If you want an effective treatment for your hair fall, you should try and find out the cause behind it. For example, if chemical treatments and harsh hair products could be the reason for your hair loss, you should stop these chemical treatments and switch to mild hair care products.

Find out more about the causes and symptoms of hair loss in this post:

Natural Home Remedies for Hair Loss

The best herbs for hair loss and regrowth

If you want to try out home treatments to stop hair loss, you can surely not ignore the use of herbs. These herbs are usually safe to use and with zero or minimal side-effects. While there is a long list of herbs that can work for falling hair, here are five of the most effective herbs for hair loss and regrowth.


If you love the fragrance of lavender in your soaps and shampoos, this may be the hair fall herb for you. The herb lavender, scientific name Lavandula angustifolia or Lavandula officinalis, was frequently used in baths to purify the body and spirit in ancient times. The herb is often used to treat insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, and depression. The inhalation of the scent has been found to have a calming and sedating effect.

When applied directly on the scalp, lavender oil is believed to stimulate hair regrowth. The University of Maryland School of Medicine cites a study conducted on men with alopecia areata. In the study it was found that massaging the scalp with a combination of lavender, thyme, rosemary, and cedarwood oils boosted hair growth in men. Continuous use for about seven months is believed to improve hair growth by as much as 44%.



Rosemary is another essential oil that has been found to be effective for hair loss. In the study cited above, rosemary was one of the essential oils used to promote hair regrowth. Traditionally, rosemary, or Rosmarinus officinalis, is used to improve memory, increase urine flow, treat indigestion, and support the circulatory and nervous systems.

Rosemary has been found to have antioxidant as well as antimicrobial properties. While its antioxidant properties will prevent the cells in your scalp from the harmful effects of free radicals, its antimicrobial properties will help in treating any bacterial or fungal infections that may be the cause of your hair fall.

You can apply rosemary oil directly on the scalp, again, for best results combine it with thyme, cedarwood, and lavender. Sipping a cup of rosemary tea may also have a positive effect on your hair since the herb is easily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract as well. However, your total daily intake of the herb should not exceed 4-6 grams. Make sure not to take rosemary oil orally.


Gingko Biloba

Gingko is one of the oldest herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine. The gingko leaf extract was traditionally used for the treatment of conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, fatigue and also ringing in the ears (tinnitus). It also may help in improving memory, treating sexual dysfunction, and preventing Alzheimer's disease.

Gingko biloba has been found to have antioxidant properties and it also improves blood circulation. These two properties of this herb are considered to be the reasons for its effectiveness in stopping hair loss and promoting regrowth. However, do not exceed the recommended dosage for this herb since it may cause diarrhea, nausea, and allergic reactions. It is also not recommended for people with bleeding disorders.


Saw Palmetto

Sereno repens or saw palmetto is a small palm tree native to North America. The brown-black berries of this plant are believed to have medicinal properties and have been used to treat urinary conditions and prostate enlargement.

It is considered to be an effective herb for male as well as female pattern baldness, which occurs at the top of the head or around the temples. While more research is required to ascertain how this herb works for hair loss, it is believed that it may prevent testosterone from being converted into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The hormone, DHT, is considered to be one of the reasons for male pattern baldness and this is why various hair loss treatment products are often sold as DHT blockers.

Stinging Nettle

Urtica Diocia or stinging nettle is another useful herb for hair loss. Traditionally, it has been used to treat painful muscles and joints, arthritis, anemia, and eczema. It is also used to treat enlarged prostate and urinary dysfunctions.

The herb is sold as dried leaf and in the form of capsules, tablets, root tincture, juice and tea. The herb is believed to work similarly to saw palmetto, that is, it blocks the testosterone from being converted into DHT. In fact, it is believed that stinging nettle is more effective when used in combination with saw palmetto.

Herbal products for hair loss

If you are not too keen on trying out one herb at a time or may rather go for an herbal product, try these hair loss products. A combination of topical treatments and herbal and nutritional supplements may stop hair fall and promote regrowth.  


Take a look at some important vitamins to boost your hair growth in this post:

The Best Vitamins for Hair Loss 


These herbs for hair loss and regrowth are generally safe to use. However, like all other herbal remedies these may have some minimal side-effects. Make sure to consult your health practitioner, especially if you suffer from a medical condition or are taking medications for any health disorder.

Get more information on how to get healthy hair here

The Best Supplements for Hair Fall

The Best Hair Oils for Healthy Hair

The Best Vitamins for Hair Loss

© Copyright Roohi Khan, 2012

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